

November 2, 2022

Posted by: DevDigital


First and foremost, a good link will drive traffic to your site...

但你知道吗,在过去,链接建设只关注数量而不是质量? Talk about a backwardapproach ! 今天,链接建设是完全相反的,将质量的飞跃置于数量之上. However, it is also important to know that link building isn’t this magical, overnight process, nor is ita “set it and forget it” type of strategy. In fact, with time, backlinks can become less relevant, they can completely disappear, or become toxic. With that in mind, 你必须始终在寻找新的机会,以获得新的反向链接,以保持一个高的搜索引擎排名.

Remember, 搜索引擎优化的反向链接的目标是将访问者从他们目前正在访问的网站送到他们可能也喜欢的其他相关网站. You must consider choosing the right SEO keywords specifically, which will require researching competitors’ backlinks, creating quality content, outreach, and more. But, of course, with every holistic link building strategy, there will always be a bad link building strategy. 糟糕的链接建设策略不仅会导致惩罚和损害你的排名, 但它可能会导致你的网站完全从搜索引擎结果中删除! Ouch!

To prevent the opposite effect of what you want from link building, here are a few bad link building strategies to avoid.

  • 在博客评论中添加链接:在过去,博客评论是获得反向链接的有效途径. Today, 这激怒了博客所有者和网站管理员,可能会让你被你评论的网站封杀. Commenting on blogs with links are pretty much ineffective, as most of the links are changed to nofollow, so they won't "count" toward your inbound links.
  • 为链接付费:购买或出售链接来增加你的搜索结果是违反谷歌网站管理员指南的. 这包括提供免费的产品或服务,以换取链接, excessive link exchanges, 或者添加链接到一个网站,以换取从他们的网站链接到你的网站,这些都违反了谷歌的政策和指导方针.
  • 提交到垃圾目录:提交到垃圾目录会损害你的搜索引擎排名. 如果你把你的网站提交到一个目录,确保它是有信誉和规范的. 有审批程序的目录给搜索引擎一个信号,表明你是一个合法的企业.

By avoiding these bad link building strategies link-building strategies your business could experience here at DevDigital.

1. 利用竞争对手的SEO反向链接并复制它们

For one moment, stop and think about who your top competitors are. 现在,去谷歌,输入对你的业务最普遍的关键字,然后搜索. In doing that, where do you rank on the search engine results pages? Better yet, where do your competitors land in the rankings? 你要特别关注那些出现在谷歌首页上的竞争对手. 现在,想象一下,当你的竞争对手访问你的网站时,你有同样多的流量! It’s totally possible!

找出谁链接到你的竞争对手是一个主要的优势,你的业务. 电竞赛事竞猜APP确定竞争对手的反向链接将位于与你的行业相关的网站上, 这意味着电竞赛事竞猜APP指望他们为你提供高质量的服务 backlinks for SEO.

This could be a large effort that requires hard labor, but there are tools, both free and paid, 这可以帮助您分析竞争对手的反向链接配置文件. Have a look at the backlink pages, select the prospects that seem to offer the most potential, 然后电竞赛事竞猜APP合集你选择的网站,看看他们是否开放链接到你的网站. Just remember that when you reach out to these sites, be sure to check to see if you already have a backlink from them; if you do, let them know before requesting another backlink.

2. Outreach/Write Guest Posts

Your credibility will increase, and you will be able to introduce your brand to a new audience when you add guest posting to your SEO link-building strategy; in addition, 如果你能在文章中包含一个链接到你的网站, SEO will benefit from this tactic. Basically, 你想要找到与你的业务相关的网站,并为他们写一篇博客文章. In order for your article to get published, 您希望包含到托管站点的不同页面的几个链接, as well as links to your site, and a link to an authority site as well. 网站所有者会向你收取费用,或者有特定的指导方针来遵循,以便他们发布, 所以要确保你的内容是高质量的,满足所有要求, otherwise, they will not publish.

3. Get on a “Best of” or “Top” List

出现在“最佳”名单上是对你的产品或服务的一个很好的认可,同时把你的网站链接到权威网站上, relevant website. To determine if you are a good fit for a particular list, 使用在线反向链接检查器等工具检查竞争对手的网站, 特别注意“dofollow”反向链接,其中包含“best”和“top”等词."

您可以电竞赛事竞猜APP合集网站所有者并询问如何添加到列表中. 有时它是付费的,有时它是网站管理员的编辑自由裁量权. However, sometimes if you present a persuasive blurb, 他们可能会把你列入名单,以保持他们的内容新鲜和与读者相关.

4. Publish Only Link-Worthy Content

Link-worthy content is content that people want to link to, has a wide audience, and is most likely at the top of the marketing funnel. 大多数编辑都希望链接到与他们的读者相关的页面, therefore, the more relevant your page is, the more likely they will link to it.

值得链接的内容也是教育和信息丰富的. It solves problems or answers questions from the audience/readers. Many SEO experts, on the other hand, create link-worthy content by answering frequently asked questions. However, to gain backlinks, 你的内容也必须回答这些问题,并以独特的方式解决这些问题.

Here are some examples of link-worthy content:

  • Content that is educational
  • Conduct research that is beneficial to your industry
  • Content that is evergreen
  • Entertainment
  • How-to guides
  • Content that is inspiring
  • Trends and data

When devising a strategy to create link-worthy content, 您可以对现有内容进行SEO分析(审计),以确定差距,这将大有帮助. 除了上面列出的策略外,这种策略将帮助你确定从哪种类型的内容开始以及你需要多少内容.

More Link Buildng Strategies to Come

There are many more link building strategies to implement that will boost your search engine rankings and build your brand; we’ve just listed four here. 关于链接建设,需要注意的重要一点是,它不是关于你能建立多少链接,而是关于获得值得信赖和自然的高质量链接. Is the content you are providing helpful? Does it solve problems or answer questions? All these factors matter.

在DevDigital,我们是链接建设专家,这里只列出了我们的一些策略. To learn more about our link building techniques, contact us and one of our SEO team members will be happy to assist you. Also be on the lookout for SEO Link Building Strategies Part 2!

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